Tag Archives: unconference

Registration is Open for THATCamp Games!

This year’s THATCamp Games hosts at Case Western Reserve University have sent along more details about the upcoming THATCamp Games (see flier below). Registration is open now, so head over to the website and sign up!

What is THATCamp Games? In the organizers’ own words:

In keeping with the spirit of the original, THATCamp Games 2013 is an unconference, founded as a way to bring together Digital Humanities theorists and practitioners, educational and serious game designers, games enthusiasts and advocates, and humanities instructors and scholars interested in games and pedagogy. THATCamp Games serves as a space to bring together those on all sides of humanities games to engage in challenging and meaningful conversation in hopes of learning from one another.

We will be inviting faculty, administrators, game scholars and designers, research and archival librarians, and students interested in the confluence of games and humanities to discuss, design, build, and hack games and to investigate meaningful ways of incorporating games into the classroom and game elements into course design.

(Click the flier image below to embiggen.)


What’s Better than One THATCamp about Gaming?

Two, that’s right, two THATCamps about games and gaming! Both are coming up in the spring — here are some details:

THATCamp Games II
April 19-21, 2013
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

THATCamp Epic Play
May 24-25, 2013
University of Washington, Seattle

And what is a THATCamp, you say? The Humanities and Technology Camps are unconferences designed to bring a small group (usually no more than 100) of committed folks interested in a common theme together for discussion, collaboration, and connection. THATCamps often have BootCamps on the first day, instructional or workshop sessions, followed by a second day of unconference sessions.

Members of the CUNY Games Network facilitated a BootCamp and attended the first THATCamp Games way back in January, and (to speak for all of us) we had a fantastic time. I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to make it to either of these games-related THATCamps in the Spring. If other members of the Games Network go, please consider writing a wrapup that we can post here on the blog. Game on!

Image by Sean Brady