This fall, the CUNY Games Network is featuring a series of guest blog posts from CGN members. Our first contributor is Patrick Rael, history professor at Bowdoin College.
Patrick operates a blog to share his experiences with GBL in college-level History classes. As Patrick explains, “The Ludica blog is dedicated to exploring the connection between modern tabletop games, historical scholarship, and college-level pedagogy.”
Some of his recent posts center around a game by Harold Buchanan called Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection. For ideas on how to use this game in a history classroom, check out his post from Sept. 27, 2017: “Essay prompts for Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection.” In the comments you will find feedback from the game’s creator, Harold Buchanan.
Access the Ludica blog here:
Additionally, Patrick operates a Facebook group called “Games in the college classroom.” To join the group, click here:
Are you interested in being featured on the CGN website? If so, submit a blog post on any topic related to GBL in higher ed., and/or send links/descriptions of your blogs to [email protected]. Stay tuned for another guest contribution next Monday.