Tag Archives: proposals

CUNY Games Festival 2.0: CFP Deadline 10/15

Heads up everyone — don’t let the timer run out! The call for proposals for the CUNY Games Festival 2.0: A Conference on Game-based Learning in Higher Education, closes ONE WEEK from today! Submit your proposals to explore the many ways that game-based learning is impacting higher education by October 15th!

Looking for registration to attend the conference? Never fear, that’s coming soon — registration will open on November 1st. Watch this space for news and details, or email us at [email protected] with questions.

Image by ewitch.

CUNY Games Festival CFP Extended for Posters and Arcade Game Demos!

4091893094_a244e5e8a8_zThere’s been a great response to the CFP for the first annual CUNY Games Festival — thanks to all who’ve submitted proposals! After taking a second look at our conference space, we noted we still have room for a few more Posters and Arcade Game Demos. So we’re extending the CFP deadline for Posters and Game Demos only to Friday, November 1st.

If you’ve been thinking on submitting a proposal, here’s your chance! Submit your proposal here.

Note that conference acceptances for Presentations and Shorts will be sent on 10/18 as originally scheduled. Acceptances for Posters and Game Demos will be sent on 11/10.

Please help spread the word! We look forward to seeing you on the 17th and 18th at the CUNY Games Festival!

Image by John-Morgan