USA Today: Colleges’ Latest Thrust in Learning–Video Games

“Around the country, pockets of faculty have been adding games to their courses as a way to stimulate learning. At Boston College, nursing students conduct forensics at a virtual crime scene. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a game called Melody Mixer teaches students how to read and compose music. Students at Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa., play World of Warcraft, a multiplayer online game, in a course on intelligence studies. ‘The key driver is the need for ways to make learning more engaging,’ says Larry Johnson, CEO of the non-profit New Media Consortium and co-author of a report this year that predicts an explosion of game-based learning in higher education within three years. ‘Games can open that door for many students.'”

Read more: via Colleges latest thrust: Video games –

Games Network Presentation at the CUNY IT Conference

CUNY Games Network members are presenting at the annual CUNY IT Conference this Friday, December 2nd, at John Jay College in Manhattan. Our session takes place at 1pm — here’s a teaser:

Gaming Your Classroom

Games-based learning is an interactive, interdisciplinary pedagogy that uses best practices in collaborative learning and simulations. Join the CUNY Games Network as we showcase some of our research in teaching through gaming. A short introduction to the theory of games-based learning will be presented, followed by a game brainstorming and creation activity. Participants from all disciplines will find something to use in the classroom, from computer-based games to “ordinary” board and card games.

Hope to see you there!

Image credit: Erik Hungerbuhler

Educators coming together to explore how the principles of games promote learning