Category Archives: All Classes

Conference Photos Are Up!

On this lovely snow day, consider taking a moment to check out the photos from CUNY Games Conference 5.0, now available on Flickr. Click “Photostream” to view:

In other news, the CGN inbox is feeling particularly void of blog submissions right now. Are you doing something interesting with game-based learning? If so, we’d like to read about it. If writing a full blog entry seems daunting, consider sending a couple sentences about a class idea, game, or resource you think our members would be interested in (even simple tips and tricks are fine). I’ll either feature these in one post or as a series if there is enough response.

Here’s one to kick us off:

Right now I am working on a mid-semester “escape the classroom” activity for my music survey course. One of my locks has four numbers, so I will provide a photo of many instruments with the words “Brass Percussion Woodwinds Strings” at the bottom. The students need to count the instruments in the photo and demonstrate understanding of instrument families to determine the correct combination to open the lock (7 brass, 4 percussion, 0 woodwinds, etc.). The entire activity will consist of small tasks like this, requiring some cleverness but a low degree of mental investment to plan. Perhaps I’ll write a longer entry on the result when it’s finished…hoping it is a success!

Are you interested in being featured on the CGN website? If so, submit a blog post or short paragraph on any topic related to GBL in higher ed., and/or send links/descriptions of your blogs to [email protected]

Guest Blogger: Daisy Dominguez – Gaming for Info Lit Flow

Continuing with our line of posts from conference attendees, today’s contribution comes from Daisy Dominquez, a librarian and adjunct history professor at The City College of New York, CUNY. The focus of Daisy’s post is on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s theory of flow, which she applies to practices in her teaching. The second half of her post  describes her experience at the CUNY Games Conference 5.0, and how she will use what she learned there to continue to create flow-like experiences in her teaching. Thanks Daisy!

Daisy is also interested in putting together a gaming for lit flow toolkit. You can find her contact info. at the bottom of her post if you’d like to contribute.

To read Daisy’s post, click here:

Are you interested in being featured on the CGN website? If so, submit a blog post on any topic related to GBL in higher ed., and/or send links/descriptions of your blogs to [email protected]

Conference Recap/Guest Blogger: Dave Eng – Experiential GBL

…and just like that, CUNY Games Conference 2019 has come to a close.

From my observations, it seemed like everyone learned something worthwhile during the conference – I certainly did! Now, how do we each keep the momentum going as the semester begins?

Here are some quick ideas:

  1. I could write about the conference here, but hearing the perspective of attendees is preferable. While it’s fresh in your mind, consider sending a few sentences (or a full post) about your conference experience. What did you learn? What new ideas will you implement in your classroom or related profession? In the coming weeks I will compile any conference-related submissions  into a special CGC 2019 blog entry. Stay tuned.
  2. As the semester begins, remember that it’s okay to “fail.” Each time I introduce a new game, I tell my students that this is an experiment and their input is appreciated, then we debrief and share suggestions for improvement after playing. As we learned at the conference, even a “bad” game is appreciated by students.
  3. Remember to keep things simple. As Joe Bisz shared, even having students roll dice to determine which questions to answer can be exciting.
  4. Document your journey with game-based learning. A record of what you do can be great to reflect on later. Plus, we’d love to hear about your process if you’d like to share it!

To keep the energy of GBL fresh, we’ll end today’s entry with a guest post from conference attendee Dave Eng, Ed. D. Read a summary of Dave’s post below, or click here to read the whole entry. 

Dave Eng, Ed.D. is an intellectual and creative educator, designer, and researcher who combines, games, theory, and technology to define NEXT practice. He currently consults privately in design, training, research, and writing at University XP.  His research interests include learning theory, technology, and games. Find out more at

Experiential Games Based Learning by Dave Eng, EdD

First, what is Experiential Education? “Experiential Education is an educational philosophy that describes the process occurring between a teacher and a student that infuses direct experience with the learning environment and content.” Sometimes that teacher-student relationship is traditional: like classroom lecture or one-on-one apprenticeship.

Experiential education can be summarized by the phrase: LEARNING BY DOING The best part is that Experiential Education is already out there.

All of these opportunities apply experiential education methods and directly infuse learning through the relationship between the student, teacher, content, and environment.

The process of experiential learning applies Kolb’s philosophy on learning beginning with experience and addresses a four stage cycle of experiential learning.

Kolb outlined four components of experiential learning: Abstract Conceptualization “The, Huh?”, Active Experimentation “The, Try”, Concrete Experience “The, Do”, and Reflective Observation “The, Think.”

But how does this all relate to games-based learning?

Let’s have a look at that definition: “Game-based learning is a type of game play that has defined learning outcomes. Generally, game-based learning is designed to balance subject matter with game play and the ability of the player to retain, and apply said subject matter to the real world.”

Let’s think, what do games have? Games have Abstract Conceptualization from players trying to discern objectives and what the goals of the game are.

Games-based learning’s strengths lie in its application to different learning styles by incorporating players abilities to see, hear, and touch content that they could not otherwise engage in.

Weaknesses in games-based learning lies in its ability to best support short term learning.

For more info check out: What is Games Based Experiential Learning? 

Are you interested in being featured on the CGN website? If so, submit a blog post on any topic related to GBL in higher ed., and/or send links/descriptions of your blogs to [email protected]. Stay tuned for another guest contribution next week.