Continuing with our line of posts from conference attendees, today’s contribution comes from Daisy Dominquez, a librarian and adjunct history professor at The City College of New York, CUNY. The focus of Daisy’s post is on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s theory of flow, which she applies to practices in her teaching. The second half of her post describes her experience at the CUNY Games Conference 5.0, and how she will use what she learned there to continue to create flow-like experiences in her teaching. Thanks Daisy!
Daisy is also interested in putting together a gaming for lit flow toolkit. You can find her contact info. at the bottom of her post if you’d like to contribute.
Are you interested in being featured on the CGN website? If so, submit a blog post on any topic related to GBL in higher ed., and/or send links/descriptions of your blogs to [email protected].
As I expect is true of many folks, I am for sure still processing the results of our recent presidential election. As I work toward my own next steps I appreciate this post over on the Prof Hacker blog by good friend of the CUNY Games Network Anastasia Salter, which reviews several games about the election, politics, and more. Check it out over on Prof Hacker:
Mauricio Giraldo, a designer in the New York Public Library Labs, made a video game using some of the library’s own collections of public domain materials, and the institution is hoping you’ll follow.
In Giraldo’s game, Mansion Maniac, you control Pac-Man-esque, pixelated character, guiding through real, early-century floor plans of New York City homes and apartments. As you move from room to room, the game will automatically load and attach more of these authentic, historical layouts to the luxurious world, and when you’re done, you can save and print out the floorplan to show all your friends that New York apartments have always been very small.
Giraldo’s Mansion Maniac is just one project created as an illustration for the variety of ways programmers and artists could use NYPL’s digital resources.
Educators coming together to explore how the principles of games promote learning
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