Category Archives: Fine Arts/Theater Games

A theatre-based workshop that addresses what it means to be a man today uses “Stop, Clap, Jump,” a game from Brazilian educator/artist Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed. Read about their visit to a maximum security prison at .

Free Rice: It’s not just for vocabulary anymore

Many people know Free Rice as a vocabulary-building program with a humanitarian bent: every time you get a question right, you donate 20 grains of rice to the World Food Programme. Now, however, Free Rice covers a host of subjects: grammar, math, geography, and, my most recent discovery, fine art.

You are given a famous painting and are asked (via a multiple-choice question) to identify the painter. Now, this may not be much of a game, per se, but I had to do a similar sort of assignment for a high school humanities class, and memorizing a huge number of famous painting and painters has proved remarkably useful to me.