How to Implement the Free Rice Game into Your Classroom

Created by Joe Bisz

Free Rice is a free, simple yet addictive, level-based learning game on the web. The main feature is a vocabulary quiz but there are also subject-specific quizzes under the “Subjects” heading for Art, Chemistry, Geography, Math, foreign-language learning, and grammar. For every question successfully answered, the website donates 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.

Download my Teaching Document: How to Implement the Free Rice Web Game into Your Class

Unscrambling Your Body Paragraph

Created by Joe Bisz

This exercise is a fun way to teach students sentence organization in a paragraph, particularly understanding the natural order that transition words provide. Once you understand what I’ve done, you can just create your own paragraphs, of course—but be aware that students may find perfectly logical ways to order the paragraph beyond what you predicted! To teach this exercise in its ideal form so that its initial focus is on procedural thinking, combine it with a map-like game (Tic-tac-toe, a maze, war game map, etc.) as a preface (see example elsewhere or chat with Joe).

Note: This is part of my “Following a Space” series of exercises.

Unscrambling Your Body Paragraph-Web

Educators coming together to explore how the principles of games promote learning