Adding game design element to the classroom is what CUNY Games is all about, and so we’re excited to hear this teacher go “all in” with his web-based application that turns any classroom into a Role Playing Game (RPG). Game-based learning provides clear indicators of progress, scaffolding, and just-in-time learning. There are also excellent opportunities for educators to collect important data that they might not have been able to collect before (e.g., time on task, engagement, peer-to-peer interaction). ClassRealm migrates the paper RPG system to the web for all teachers so they might (1) learn how to implement RPGs in the classroom and (2) easily collect valuable data to inform their teaching. Learn more from the web site:
No TPK jokes, pkease “@cunycommons: New post on the @CunyGames blog: “ClassRealm Turns Your Classroom into an RPG”“
New post on the @CunyGames blog: “ClassRealm Turns Your Classroom into an RPG”
RT @GeorgeOnline: RT @AnaSalter @CunyGames: ClassRealm Turns Your Classroom into an RPG: Check it out at
RT @AnaSalter @CunyGames: ClassRealm Turns Your Classroom into an RPG: Check it out at
RT @CunyGames: ClassRealm Turns Your Classroom into an RPG: Check it out at