Tag Archives: CUNY Games Festival

Abstract Deadline Extended for the 2016 CUNY Games Festival!

Attention all CUNY and non-CUNY Gamers! We have extended the deadline for abstracts until November 1st to accommodate additional faculty and student presentations!

The CUNY Games Network is excited to announce the third annual CUNY Games Festival to be held on January 22, 2016 at the CUNY Graduate Center in Manhattan. We will also host a playtesting / game day on January 23rd at a nearby location.

The CUNY Games Festival 3.0 is an exciting conference to promote and discuss games, simulations, and other forms of interactive teaching in higher education. Last year, the first CUNY Games Festival drew nearly 200 educators and students and gained widespread attention as one of the nation’s only conferences devoted to game-based learning at the college level. Currently, the CUNY Games Network is seeking proposals for the upcoming conference on the many ways games are impacting higher education. Conference participants will be able to present with posters, game demos, or interactive presentations. The deadline for proposals is now November 1. Both CUNY and non-CUNY participation is welcome.

For more information, go to: https://gamesfest2016.commons.gc.cuny.edu

CUNY Games Festival Call for Proposals Now Open!

The CUNY Games Network of the City University of New York is excited to announce the third annual CUNY Games Festival to be held on January 22nd, 2016 at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City.

The CUNY Games Festival 3.0 is a one day conference to promote and discuss game-based pedagogies in higher education. We aim to bring together all stakeholders in the field: faculty, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students, and game designers. Both CUNY and non-CUNY participation is welcome.

Our Call for Proposals is now open! Proposals are due on October 15, 2015. Please forward far and wide!

Questions? Get in touch at [email protected]!