Two, that’s right, two THATCamps about games and gaming! Both are coming up in the spring — here are some details:
THATCamp Games II
April 19-21, 2013
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
THATCamp Epic Play
May 24-25, 2013
University of Washington, Seattle
And what is a THATCamp, you say? The Humanities and Technology Camps are unconferences designed to bring a small group (usually no more than 100) of committed folks interested in a common theme together for discussion, collaboration, and connection. THATCamps often have BootCamps on the first day, instructional or workshop sessions, followed by a second day of unconference sessions.
Members of the CUNY Games Network facilitated a BootCamp and attended the first THATCamp Games way back in January, and (to speak for all of us) we had a fantastic time. I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to make it to either of these games-related THATCamps in the Spring. If other members of the Games Network go, please consider writing a wrapup that we can post here on the blog. Game on!
Image by Sean Brady