Tag Archives: learning

Revolutionary Learning Conference






August 17-19

Roosevelt Hotel

New York City

Revolutionary Learning 2016 will bring together leaders from higher education, K-12, government, and the nonprofit and corporate world to showcase game-based innovation that is transforming learning in the 21st century.

Conference Program Information

Sessions include a dynamic mix of unrestricted panel discussions by renowned experts in assessment, research, and ethics; collaborative demonstrations of game-based classroom practices; space to create your own game-based learning activities, and numerous opportunities to network and collaborate in a fun, game-like atmosphere. Register now at www.revolutionarylearning.org.

**CUNY Discount**

CUNY faculty and staff receive a 60% registration discount! Simply go to www.revolutionarylearning.org to register and enter CUNY in the registration code field.

Unique Conference Features

  • A dynamic conference game that facilitates collaboration, networking, and creative thinking culminating in a nal, expertly judged conference presentation in the historic Grand Ballroom.
  • A Revolutionary Arcade room where attendees can test cutting edge learning games and network with designers.
  • A book exhibit to meet authors who will sign copies of their books.

Panel Discussions, Workshops & Demonstrations From:

  • Ian Livingstone
  • Clark Aldrich
  • Nicholas Fortungna
  • Lee Sheldon
  • Dr. Michael Levine
  • The Disruptive Media Lab
  • Dr. Rebecca Rufo-Tepper

Sample Sessions Include:

  • Who Says What’s “Educational”? The Role of Research in Learning Games: A Panel Discussion w/ Greg Toppo, USA Today
  • Code Create Collaborate
  • A Demonstration by Students and Teachers at the famousQuest to Learn School
  • Create Engaging Learning Experiences w/ Muzzy Lane Author
  • Using Interactive Fiction in the Classroom
  • Adventures in Collateral Learning: Two Post-Mortems
  • Dueling Games; Playing Games in STEM-What Kind of GamesWork Best?
  • Pro-Social Mobile Games, Community Activism, and MinorityYouth Empowerment
  • Shakespeare, Mandela-Pop Culture and Digital Games
  • Virtual Reality in Education
  • What’s Your Game Plan? Turn Any Idea Into a Game
  • Transforming Education Through Collaboration, Design and Play
  • Ethics in and Around Games, Learning and Life



Contact Conference Chair David Seelow for more information: [email protected].

‘Video Games and Learning’ pilot MOOC launches Oct. 3, 2013

“Squire, a professor in the School of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, along with Constance Steinkuehler, an associate professor of digital media in the department, will teach a MOOC — Video Games and Learning — beginning today Oct. 3. It’s the UW’s first-ever pilot MOOC….”

via ‘Video Games and Learning’ pilot MOOC launches Oct. 3, 2013.

New Haven students bolster math and science skills with video games

“Students spent five weeks of the summer playing video games and then showed up at Monday’s Board of Education meeting to boast about it. The video games were part of a math and science camp attended by 120 seventh- and eighth-graders this summer. New Haven Public Schools partnered with Catalysts Powering Educational Performance to host and double the size of the camp from last year’s batch of 60 students. CPEP is a nonprofit organization committed to helping low-income students reach their full potential in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, according to the organization’s mission statement.”

via New Haven students bolster math and science skills with video games.