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Launch of Higher Education Video Games Alliance


“NEW YORK, July 1, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — The NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering announced today that Katherine Isbister , an associate professor of computer science, director of the school’s Game Innovation Lab, and a member of the faculty of the NYU Game Center of the Tisch School of the Arts, has become a founding member of the executive board of The Higher Education Video Game Alliance . Fellow NYU Professor Jan L. Plass , of the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development and co-director of the Games for Learning Institute, will become a charter member of the group, and other members of NYU’s Media and Games Network (MAGNET) are expected to become major participants in the alliance’s activities.

Launched today at the Aspen Ideas Festival, the alliance will provide a platform for leading academics to showcase the critical role video game programs are playing in educating and preparing students for the 21st century workforce. The group will afford its members, including professors and other campus leadership, an opportunity to share and highlight best practices, publish research, initiate and strengthen industry connections, educate, and engage policymakers and the media.”


Read the whole story here:

NYU Helps Launch Groundbreaking Games Alliance – MarketWatch.