Tag Archives: students

Interview with Dr. Robert Duncan about the Transformative Games Initiative at York College

Our very own Robert Duncan of the CUNY Games Network (pictured above in a very cool pic) is doing some excellent work with students at York College. He’s set up a game lab where students design and build digital learning games!  He was recently interviewed by Daily Edventures about this work.  Follow the link for the full text of the interview.

via “Anyone can improve their classroom by adopting game-based learning strategies. Any lesson that requires practice, feedback, or scaffolding can benefit from the use of game mechanics.” – Robert Duncan, USA | Daily Edventures.

Using Social Networks to Engage Community

Great piece discussing how 4 universities are using social networks to do community outreach:

4 Universities Use Social Networks to Engage Community

Gets me thinking about how we can use gamed-up social networks to build community WITHIN the university.  Imagine a system where students have avatars, ability meters, and levels, take on “quests” on and off campus, can form impromptu “guilds” to complete assignments, and have a constant leaderboard to monitor each other’s performance.  If you’re interesting in working on such a project, contact me!  ([email protected])